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Power tool generator

Need a silly or useless power tool? I got you covered! 

A collection of tools

 Roll Medium + Type for a random power tool.


Medium - Roll d86 (d8 & d6)
11 - Air 31 - Die 51 - Sewing 71 - Hedge
12 - Alligator 32 - Disc 52 - Snow 72 - Impact
13 - Angle 33 - Floor 53 - Steel 73 - Jack
14 - Band 34 - Food 54 - String 74 - Joint
15 - Belt 35 - Pressure 55 - Table 75 - Jig
16 - Biscuit 36 - Radial arm 56 - Pneumatic 76 - Knitting
21 - Ceramic 41 - Hollow 61 - Vacuum 81 - Lawn
22 - Chain 42 - Orbital 62 - Wall 82 - Leaf
23 - Circular 43 - Reciprocating 63 - Washing 83 - Mitre
24 - Concrete 44 - Rotary 64 - Wood 84 - Multi
25 - Cold 45 - Sabre 65 - Grinding 85 - Nail
26 - Diamond 46 - Scroll 66 - Heat 86 - Needle

Type - Roll d66
11 - Compressor 31 - Processor 51 - Wrench
12 - Shear 32 - Washer 52 - Hammer
13 - Grinder 33 - Tiller 53 - Mower
14 - Saw 34 - Trimmer 54 - Blower
15 - Sander 35 - Planer 55 - Scaler
16 - Joiner 36 - Cleaner 56 - Torque
21 - Cutter 41 - Chaser 61 - Sharpener
22 - Blade 42 - Router 62 - Filer
23 - Crusher 43 - Machine 63 - Heater
24 - Tool 44 - Lathe 64 - Torch
25 - Iron 45 - Gun 65 - Roller
26 - Drill 46 - Driver 66 - Digger


Some of my rolled favourites are: lawn hammer, knitting wrench, and impact saw.


Credits: Top photo by Ra Dragon on Unsplash


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